Course Overview
The Digital Service Business and Marketing course has three main learning objectives: project work, collaboration, and knowledge creation. The course begins with an orientation phase and then proceeds with a phase in which students work according to their own schedules. The course concludes with a project presentation, delivering the project outcome to the client, submitting academic writing work, and evaluation.
More information about the course below.
Study points, learning tasks?
General information
The Digital Services Business and Marketing-course consists of a project work (group work) and an individual writing work (each student does their own theory report). See more information about these tasks:
Development Project (5 ECTS)
Academic Writing (Theory Report) (5 ECTS).

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So how should I prepare myself?
Before getting into work, we'll do some preparation.
Think about what interests you in the field of digital business. You'll need this information when selecting a project and a topic to delve into and write about later.
Familiarize yourself with Trello. You can find quick guides here.
Register on Trello. If you prefer to remain anonymous, create an alias.
Take part in the kick-off session of the course.
What is my grade based on?
The evaluation of the tasks takes place at the end of the course.
The Development Project part of the course is assessed using the 360-degree method. This means that students first evaluate themselves and then evaluate their project team members. Client feedback is solicited, and the coaches determine the final grades based on the feedback and the reviews.
The evaluation is conducted with a focus on the learning objectives of the project.
The Academic Writing (Theory Report) is evaluated by the coaches. Assessment is based on the topic, scope, structure, referencing skills, and the overall quality of the work.
Please refer below for the grading guidelines.